Grafted Macadamia Trees - Torere Macadamias
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grafted macadamia trees available

Orders are being taken to graft plants for delivery in Autumn and Spring 2018. Don't miss out!

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Macadamia nut tree seedlings - Torere Macadamias

nursery aims for 30k plant capacity in 2017

Nursery capacity was expanded from 3,000 to 10,000 plants in 2015/2016 and will reach 30,000 plant capacity in 2017 to meet the increased demand for macadamia trees.
Vanessa Hayes - Torere Macadamias
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Maori macadamia industry tough nut to crack

A successful entrepreneur who runs her own insurance company – Life Broker Services in Gisborne – Vanessa is best known in Māori business circles as the Nut Lady on account of her macadamia interests. Together with her partner, Rod Husband, she owns a large organic orchard at Torere near Opotiki and a small de-husking plant operated by Rod in Gisborne.
Activate Tairawhiti at Torere Macadamias
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Cracking the macadamia market

Torere Macadamias has had Activate Tairawhiti help to grow the business and progress plans for a regional co-operative, as it targets 50ha in macadamia trees here in 10 years — to rival Waikato as the country’s biggest producer.
Vanessa and Jeanna - Torere Macadamias

Torere Macadamias and the Poutama Trust

Vanessa Hayes and Wiremu Kerekere (grand-uncle) swapped shares in whanau land at Torere for a home in Gisborne in 1981. Vanessa then incorporated Torere Macadamias Ltd (TML) in 1999 to lease and mortgage the block for macadamia development. Variety trial plantings began in 1996 and a quarantine facility and nursery was built in 2001 to import, trial, propagate and assess the best varieties suitable for New Zealand conditions.